Rehearsals have started!
Bell Choir Rehearsals - Monday at 6:30 PM - Disci-Bells
Bell Choir Rehearsals - Wednesday at 6:30 PM - Chalice Bells
Church Choir Rehearsals - 7:30-8 PM Wednesdays
Community Chorale Rehearsals -8-9 PM Wednesdays
It's time to go back to the classic Messiah concert, featuring bells, kids choir and soloists Shannon and Jimmy Jacobson, Tarryn Ballard and Justin Foley. Ann Frohbieter will wow us at the organ and Matthew Detrick and the Apollo Chamber Players will amaze us with their playing! Tickets are free - why don't you come see us? Or better yet, come sing with us.
Featuring soloist Caroline Jacobson in her high school farewell, this work uses text from the Latin mass as well as an extra set of text from Matthew and an added second movement.